Recipe Statistics for this Page as of 31-Dec-1998

Total recipes served: 333,534. Any hits to Web search web queries or links to off-site recipes are not recorded.

Top 10 List

The most frequently downloaded recipes are:

  1. Collection Ethiopian dishes (over 15,000 downloads)
  2. Collection Award-winning vegetarian burger recipes
  3. Main dish Crusty potato peasant casserole
  4. Collection Indian recipes, first of several collections
  5. Main dish Vegetarian Chili
  6. Collection Mexican recipes
  7. Main dish Burritos and burrito fillings
  8. Ideas Tofu (ideas and techniques)
  9. CookingCollection Crock pots
  10. Main dish Greek potatoes
  11. Main dish Asparagus risotto
  12. Main dish Garlic and herb pasta
  13. Main dish Biryani

Hidden Gems

These recipes offer a lot of bang for the buck:

  1. Main dish Kedgeree (always a hit with non-vegs and kids)
  2. IdeasCollection Collection of hummous variations (something for every taste)
  3. Sauce Tzatziki / tsatsiki (I once lived on it for a week)
  4. IdeasCollection Low-fat sandwich ideas (for taking lunch to work or school)
  5. Main dish French potato salad (great for picnics, potlucks)
  6. Sauce Gravy (to go over any vegetable dish)